Wednesday, January 27, 2021


 This is coolbert:

More images of space alien interstellar/intergalactic space ships?

NOT Tic-Tak this time. From the Internet web site of Colonel Patrick.

"'We come in peace.' Really?"

"'Overwhelmingly, everyone The Debrief spoke with said the most striking feature of the recently released UAPTF intelligence position report was the inclusion of new and 'extremely clear' photograph of an unidentifiable triangular aircraft.'"

"The photograph, which is said to have also been taken from inside the cockpit of a military fighter jet, depicted an apparent aerospace vehicle described as a large equilateral triangle with rounded or 'blunted' edges and large, perfectly spherical white 'lights' in each corner. Officials who had seen it said the image was captured in 2019 by an F/A-18 fighter pilot."

See it? Upper right hand corner of the image? The triangle with the "lights" in each corner. See it? Photo-shopped? You decide if you can. In such instances the observation of the trained military  observer preferred.

"Two officials that received the report said the photo was taken after the triangular craft emerged from the ocean and began to ascend straight upwards at a 90-degree angle"

Transmedium as described able to emerge from the ocean and fly as would a conventional aircraft.

The Navy believes this is a secret Air Force project. The Air Force believes this is a secret Navy project. ONLY the aliens know for sure. Really!


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