Monday, November 11, 2019


This is coolbert:

From the Sheldon Adelson Internet web site Israel Hayom and the article by Maj. Gen. (res.) Gershon Hacohen.

And in keeping with the tenor of the previous blog entry. Armageddon and conflagration at hand?

"New threats require new defense concepts"

"The accumulation of threats Israel faces and the fact that they can now emerge on multiple fronts simultaneously require both the IDF and the home front to brace for the unexpected."

"Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Aviv Kochavi have recently made it clear that addressing the threats Israel faces requires an urgent response. Some castigated them for sparking unnecessary anxiety, and while it is true that none of the current threats are new, they are all directed by Iran, making for a particularly volatile mix."

Threats to include:

* The two-front war. Hezbollah and Hamas.
* Iranian precision-guided cruise missiles and drones.

Devoted followers to the blog go read the entire article for yourself. Expect the unexpected! Always in the long recorded history of warfare.

P.S. Within context see my previous blog entry that amount of firepower the Iranian and Hezbollah has amassed in case of conflict with Israel. And is prepared to use. Not merely a hollow threat.


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