Monday, September 16, 2019


This is coolbert:

Blame it on Rio!

In consonance with this prior blog entry some video of BOPE.

Batalhão de Operações Policiais Especiais (BOPE). "Special Police Operations Battalion" Brazil.

Paramilitary special operations type police unit their responsibility the various favela vicinity Rio De Janeiro.

Paramilitary police of the sort as will be needed to secure the dystopian urban areas of the future. Note the future is NOW in many parts of the world beyond Brazil.

Massive and overwhelming use of force hardly enough to combat the lawlessness and misbehavior of those occupying the dystopian urban area. Force first but pacification must also include follow-up operations normally referred to as civic action [issuing government approved ID, providing fresh water, opening medical clinics]. Prevent the criminal element from returning and once more exerting control over the inhabitants of a favela in the Brazilian case.


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