Sunday, June 23, 2019


This is coolbert:

In finality with extracts from the latest edition of the DEBKAfile newsletter.

Shooting down American UAV drones seems to be all the rage!

"Iran shoots down US drone over Hormuz amid soaring friction"

20 June.

"An Iranian surface-to-air missile [SAM] shot down a US Navy MQ-4C Triton over the Strait of Hormuz, an America official reported on Thursday June 20. The missile’s description indicates it was fired from Iranian soil at an aircraft flying over international waters, which makes the incident that much graver. The downing of the Triton was disclosed shortly after Iran said its Revolutionary Guards shot down an American US RQ-4 Global Hawk spy drone over the village of Kuhmobarak in the southern Iranian province of Hormozgan. The Pentagon dismissed the Iranian claim that a US drone penetrated Iranian air space as 'false' and said the drone was provocatively attacked over international waters."

Those are MAJOR size drones [and expensive] normally flying at high altitude. The Iranian possesses some sort of very sophisticated surface-air-missile [SAM] with HITHERTO UNKNOWN capability?

Pentagon military planners are biting their fingernails nervously?


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