Wednesday, March 14, 2018

T & W.

This is coolbert:

Technology and War!

Here from the Internet web site of Martin van Creveld and extracted from same a three-part series well worth reading.

MvC = Martin van Creveld.

1. "On Technology and War (1)"

"As anyone who casts even an occasional and superficial view at the media knows, military-technological development, driven by hundreds of billions in R and D [research and development] funding, is proceeding at a furious pace. Not a day passes without the announcement of some new and revolutionary weapons and weapon systems that have recently transformed the entire face of war or are about to do so in the near future. The objective is always the same: namely, to obtain that elusive and often ill-defined thing, military-technological superiority."

2. "On Technology and War (2)"

"In last week’s post I [MvC] addressed the following question: In view of rapid military-technological development that affects every aspect of war, how to best use military-technological superiority in order to win? Today, while remaining in the same general field, I want to look at the relationship between technology and war from a different point of view. In view of the speed and comprehensiveness of change, are there any aspects of war that remain essentially the same?"

3. "On Technology and War (3)"

"Two weeks ago I [MvC] tried to answer the question, how to use military-technological superiority when one has attained it. A week ago, to point out the things that technology does not change and will not change and cannot change. Today’s post is the last in the mini-series. I want to use it in order to ask: How is a new military technology received, and what happens to it once it is received?"

I recommend the Martin van Creveld blog highly without reservation or qualification. Book mark or make a favorite and read from time to time.


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