Friday, December 1, 2017

Mine USN.

This is coolbert:

Images as from a visit to the USS Lexington museum, Corpus Christi, Texas, USA.


"Mk 74. The MK 74 is a versatile exercise mine (VEM) used to train mine countermeasures ships. It is an interactive training device that represents a typical bottom mine. 9 feet long [2.74 meters], 21 inches [533 mm] in diameter, and weights a little over 1200 pounds [544 kilograms]."

"Mk 52. The MK 52 mine was the first of a series of post WWII anti-submarine mines that were based on modified aircraft bombs. The mine used magnetic, acoustic, pressure, or a combination of triggering devices. " Can be delivered by surface vessels or aircraft.

"MK 65. The MK 65 is an aircraft-laid, all-modular, bottom-setting, multi-influence mine used against submarines and surface targets. It was designed as a mine from the outset using a thin-walled mine-type case filled with PBXN-103 explosive. Weight: 2390 lbs." "Dimensions: 29 inches (across the fins) x 128 inches (74 x 325 cm)".

Image of naval contact sea mine as from the era of World War I and World War II. Anchored, submerged or on the surface and all the time dangerous. The navies of some nations still have in their inventory such mines? Making contact with any of those mines will send your ship to the bottom pronto. "Spherical mine [about] 44 inch (1.12 m) in diameter. Charge of 661 lbs. (300 kg)."

If you are in the vicinity of Corpus Christi, Texas, USA, I highly recommend a visit to the Lexington museum, without qualification or reservation.

Go ahead! Run the gauntlet! I dare you!


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