Sunday, October 1, 2017

Ninth Division.

This is coolbert:

IDF = Israeli Defense Forces.

Yet more from the latest edition of the DEBKAfile news letter:

"Syrian-Hizballah force enters Beit Jinn opposite IDF Hermon positions"

23 September.

"The Syrian army's 9th armored division and Hizballah launched an offensive Saturday on the Beit Jinn enclave against several Syrian rebel groups. . . . the enclave's capture would bring the assault force up to the Syrian-Israeli border on Mt. Hermon. In the 1973 war, the same 9th Division tanks broke through to the Golan before being thrown back. So far, the Syrian-Hizballah force has overrun the village of Ay'at Tahrir Al-Sham and stands 6km from the Israeli border and 21 km from the nearest Israeli Golan locale."

Syrian and Hezbollah military units so close to the Israeli side of the border [Syria/Israel] is the proverbial "red-line" beyond which no more will be allowed?

Free Syrian Army insurgents [opposed to the despot Assad] now a non-factor in the area? This too remains to be seen!


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