Sunday, May 28, 2017


This is coolbert:

As in the days of Stalin so too now in the days of Putin? I hope not!  


From MARCONI through Harry at Sharkhunters the original article seen at the Mail Online

"Putin sacks EVERY commander in his Baltic fleet in Stalin-style purge 'after top brass refusal to follow his orders to confront Western ships'"

* "Up to 50 officers in Russia's Baltic fleet have been sacked by Vladimir Putin"

* "Among those sacked were the head of the fleet and his chief of staff."

* "It came after the Baltic fleet reportedly refused to confront Western ships"

* "Sacking has been describe in Russian media as a 'Stalin-style purge'"

"sacked 3. Slang Dismissal from employment: finally got the sack after a year of ineptitude."

See also from the Alexander Boot blog an entry "Russian generals are dying to reveal a secret" the subject of which is Stalinist purges of Soviet military men of high rank and status. That pattern of "purging" continues to this day?


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