Saturday, March 25, 2017

T4 Syria.

This is coolbert:

From the latest edition of the DEBKAfile newsletter some details of the 17 March Israeli air force air strikes on the Syrian Tyras T4 airfield!

"Hizballah's trust in Russia - strategic dilemma for Israel"

18 March.
"Israel finally took a hand in the swiftly moving events looming from Syria over its northern borders by launching multiple air raids against the key northern Syrian air base known as T4 near Palmyra early Friday night March 17."

. . . .

"military sources describe T4 as the main terminal for Iranian planes to land day by day and unload war materials for their own forces as well as the Syrian army and Hizballah. This air base also houses Russian attack helicopters and special operations troops"

This type of air strike runs a big risk of killing in an unintended manner Russian military personnel and destroying Russian military equipment! Tensions in the area already sky-high, hardly could be worse, further instability not needed!!


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