Saturday, October 1, 2016


This is coolbert:

Lesson learned, lesson NOT learned!

As it was with the MiG-9 so was it too with the American A-10 Thunderbolt [Warthog]?

From that previous blog entry:

"Categorized as a first generation jet fighter [MiG-9], it was moderately successful, but suffered from persistent problems with engine flame-outs when firing its guns at high altitudes due to gun gas ingestion."

That nose of the MiG-9 showing the gun configuration. Top weapon a 37 mm cannon. The two lower guns of caliber 23 mm. Air intake for the jet engine to the pilot's right.

Yet one more image showing the gun configuration of the MiG-9. Air intake again to the pilot's right.

"The A-10 engines were initially susceptible to flame-out when subjected to gases generated in the firing of the gun. When the GAU-8 is being fired, the smoke [gas?] from the gun can make the engines stop, and this did occur during initial flight testing. Gun exhaust is essentially oxygen-free, and is certainly capable of causing flame-outs of gas turbines."

That gun of the A-10 under the nose of the warplane. Engines well to the rear but that amount of exhaust gas generated by firing of the guns enough to cause an engine flame-out!!

An A-10 firing that cannon. The amount of smoke and exhaust gases prodigious.Even with that engine placement the mix of gases initially in some circumstances too much and causing flame-out!!

For an A-10 which usually operates at lower altitudes a flame-out was a more serious problem than for the MiG-9? NO real chance of recovery at low altitude? This problem however was solved a long time ago.


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