Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Escalation Syria III.

This is coolbert:


Even far worse we have this item courtesy of the Iranian Far News Agency.

It all comes hot and heavy and one bad news item right after another.

"30 Israeli, Foreign Intelligence Officers Killed in Russia's Caliber Missile Attack in Aleppo"

"TEHRAN (FNA) - The Russian warships stationed in Syria's coastal waters targeted and destroyed a foreign military operations room, killing over two dozen Israeli and western intelligence officers"

"The Russian warships fired three Caliber missiles at the foreign officers' coordination operations room in Dar Ezza region in the Western part of Aleppo near Sam'an mountain, killing 30 Israeli and western officers," the Arabic-language service of Russia's Sputnik news agency quoted battlefield source in Aleppo as saying on Wednesday."

. . . .

"Several US, Turkish, Saudi, Qatari and British officers were also killed along with the Israeli officers. The foreign officers who were killed in the Aleppo operations room were directing the terrorists' attacks in Aleppo and Idlib".

Such an attack can be considered to be deliberate, calculating, malicious and down-right evil? If it indeed all be so and as reported. Some sort of misplaced and counter-productive Russian revenge that does no one any good at all!!


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