Thursday, September 1, 2016

Chibok I.

This is coolbert:

I was afraid of this. As it was almost 3,000 years ago so it still is now.

From Steve a comparison made which seems to be quite accurate.

Those teenage Christian girls as kidnapped by Boko Haram a pitiful few escaping or being rescued, NOW married to Muslim men and many presumably as with Amina having given birth or with child!

"Escaped Chibok girl: I miss my Boko Haram husband"

"Abuja, Nigeria (CNN) — Escaped Chibok girl Amina Ali Nkeki says she misses her Boko Haram fighter husband and is still thinking about him three months after escaping the militants' camp.
Amina Ali, who was held hostage by the terrorist group for more than two years, says she was married off a year into her ordeal and later had a baby girl, Safiya."

About three hundred boarding school girls kidnapped by Boko. The Muslim girls finally released, the Christian girls kept! Married to Muslim men [perhaps even much older Muslim men] or Boko Haram insurgents/guerrillas/terrorists, in the latter case those young females representing a prize-of-war.

The capture of women during a time of war to be taken as wives or concubines having an ancient and venerable tradition, notwithstanding the modern perspective that such behavior is disdainful and abhorrent.

Think of the "Rape of the Sabines" from antiquity. So-called legend and myth. Perhaps after all NOT legend and myth!

Amina escaping on her own and not through the efforts of the Nigerian military. Amina is ALONE in this regard?

To be continued!


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