Saturday, August 13, 2016

Robert Golka.

This is coolbert:

Ball Lightning that ephemeral event too difficult to both produce in the laboratory and so fleeting it is difficult to study by any given method.

As seen in these You Tube videos there being a military dimension to Ball Lightning that cannot be denied.

1. "Submarine Battery Bank shorted initially called ball lightning, now 'Leidenfrost Effect'"

"In the time of about 1992 - 1994 Robert K. Golka was working with very large currents from shorted power supplies and submarine battery banks in his never ending quest to make and understand Ball Lighting".

"Many thousands of amps discharges, just like the high currents of natural lightning, were a clue that this may be one way to make Ball Lightning."

"In this video, the discharges take place at two electrodes at the edge of a water tray, with white hot balls spinning off on the water surface"

"In WW2 submarines, sometimes when switching the large electric motors to the batteries, a Ball Lightning type discharge resulted, most often if the switching was done wrong, like to an inactive generator, loading the system and making an extra surge. Thus, Golka's research in trying to make it happen with short circuits."

"Later in years, the result of these experiments was come to be accepted by Golka as not being Ball Lightning but rather as Leidenfrost Effect or Critical Heat Flux."

2. "Robert K. Golka Conducts Fireball experiments in Submarine"

"In WW2, There were reports of Ball Lightning type fireballs on board U.S. submarines. It was suspected that these rare events were caused by the very high inrush currents when the switch was closed from the huge capacity battery banks into the powerful DC electric motors which propelled the submarines."

"In his four decade search to understand some of the many possible causes of Ball Lightning, Robert K. Golka managed to 'borrow' a submarine [Silversides] for experiments, using the many thousand amp generators used to recharge their huge battery banks."

"On board the USS Silversides submarine, he short circuits the DC generator outputs in attempts to duplicate this in rush current with the hopes of creating the rare fireballs reported only in this series of submarines."

3. "Ball Lightning reports, Movie, found by Robert K. Golka"

"Some reports of Ball Lightning located by Robert K. Golka . . . A study team in Los Alamos films one for 150 frames, several are described through history." That experiment as conducted at Los Alamos labs begins 3 minutes and 35 seconds into the video and purportedly shows man-made produced Ball Lightning.

Ball Lightning just too difficult to replicate and study? Ephemeral what it is called!


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