Friday, July 22, 2016


This is coolbert:

We have heard of the strange case of the missing Turkish warships.

NOW we have the additional strange case of the missing Turkish helicopters.

From the latest edition of the DEBKAfile newsletter:

"Does the disappearance of 42 Turkish helicopters mean the coup is not over?"

18 July.

"DEBKAfile reports that 42 Turkish Air Force helicopters have vanished with their crews and ordnance - and so has the pair of F16 warplanes which bombed parliament in Ankara and nearly intercepted the incoming flight carrying President Reccep Erdogan back home Saturday. Their disappearance appears to be prompting the president and prime minister to urge citizens to continue turning out in town squares support of the government, in case the coup threat is not over"

I might well imagine the helicopters set down in some open field the crews just donning civilian dress and taking off into the night. Seeking sanctuary where ever they can find it?


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