Thursday, May 26, 2016

UAV Israel.

This is coolbert:

From an article as seen in the newsletter Israel Hayom  more or less extracted in entirety an interview with that commander of an Israeli Unmanned Aerial Vehicle [UAV] squadron:

"Revolution is in the air"

"The division that represents the 'new' air force more than any other is the unmanned aerial vehicle division, be it in its original perception, its unique point of view or the technology that it encompasses. The UAV division is the pioneer currently leading the fleet."

"Lt. Col. Ofir heads the White Eagle Squadron, made up of IAI Eitan reconnaissance drones. These are the largest drones operating in the air force today."

Q: "How does it feel to fly your aircraft remotely? What is the difference between flying a drone and a manned flight?"

A: "We feel as though we are right there in the battlefield, whether it is during training or during an operation. We may not be physically inside the aircraft, but operating an unmanned aircraft remotely gives the feeling of being an integral part of the operation."

"Global criticism has actually focused on this distance in recent years. Drone operators are tucked safely in their posts or offices while a drone drops a bomb on a man in Iraq, Afghanistan or Syria. The fact that a protective wall separates the drone operator from the battlefield makes the mission appear a little less humane."

Q: Do you not feel that this distance disconnects you from the true reality of the battlefield?

A: "It is actually this sterile atmosphere that allows us to make much more calculated decisions. We are not operating under pressure. I think that the values with which we are instilled from the day we first enlist in the air force, and the methods we use to question ourselves and learn while we operate, would never allow us to carry out a mission that would cause harm just because we are in a sterile environment. "

Q: The UAV division is unique in that all its aircraft are Israeli made.

A: "True, and that has a great advantage. First and foremost it is a source of Israeli pride. But it is not just the planes. For us, the cockpit is on the ground, and then comes the entire chain: communications equipment, mission cells, takeoff and landing cells, almost everything, with the exception of a handful of systems, is Israeli made. And there is another advantage: Drone operators finish their service and go to work in the industry. This means that they don't disappear from the division. They fly in my squadron and then they go to work, be it in the Israel Aerospace Industries, at Elbit, at Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, and they introduce the necessary improvements [to our equipment] in real time."

Q: Does your division integrate well with existing air force operations?

A: "The division is fully integrated into the air force, be it in operational missions or in building its manpower or filling this or that role that needs to be filled. I will even go as far as saying that there is almost not a single mission or training exercise that doesn't include unmanned aircraft and squadrons. I will say this cautiously: More than 50% of the air force's operations today are performed by unmanned aircraft. I am talking about the number of aircraft we have in the air right now, at any given moment. Therefore, the unmanned division is far from being a foreign transplant."

Q: Everyone wants to know: Will it soon be possible to carry out all air force missions remotely, using drones?

A: "That depends on your definition of 'soon.' It is no secret that the division is taking over responsibilities that were once exclusively performed by manned squadrons. Once you understand the true advantage of the UAV division -- the number of hours you can be in the air, not having to substitute flight teams on the ground [as there is no need to land the aircraft to make the switch], the crew's safety, the weight you are able to carry -- you realize that this technology lends itself to more and more missions that were carried out by manned teams in the past. I don't think the division is currently equipped to replace all the squadrons -- every division has its own unique capabilities. But I am pretty sure that we are going to see more unmanned squadrons in the coming years,"



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