Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Pea Ridge.

This is coolbert:

"me fights mit Sigel!"

The Battle of Pea Ridge from that era of the American Civil War,.

Union victory against the odds and critical to that combat as fought during the war WEST OF THE MISSISSIPI RIVER.

Union victory in large measure to the presence of ethnic Germans best described as "Forty-Eighters".

"The Battle of Pea Ridge (also known as the Battle of Elkhorn Tavern) was a battle of the American Civil War. It was fought from March 6–8, 1862 . . . at Pea Ridge in northwest Arkansas, near Leetown. . . . This battle, one of the few in which a Confederate army outnumbered its opponent, essentially established Federal control of Missouri and northern Arkansas for the rest of the war."

Union regiments comprised of native German speakers, naturalized citizen and those legal residents, commands given intra-regimental in the German language. German immigrants to the United States having political beliefs definitely socialist. In some cases many of the "Germans" adherents to the political and economic philosophies of Karl Marx.

Franz Sigel commanding.

"Over half of the Union soldiers were German immigrants, grouped into the 1st and 2nd Divisions, which were under the command of Brig. Gen. Franz Sigel, himself a German immigrant."

German units among the Federal forces many of those ethnic Germans having some sort of military training or experience. Their performance however on the American battlefield not so markedly better than other American units [Union and Confederate both].

That entire aspect of German native speakers serving in the Federal Army during the American Civil War well worthy of a PhD dissertation.


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