Tuesday, May 24, 2016


This is coolbert:

Yet more from the latest edition of the DEBKA newsletter as extracted with commentary.

"PM thanks NATO chief for offer to open liaison office at headquarters"

18 May.

"Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu called NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on Wednesday morning and thanked him for inviting Israel to open a liaison office at the alliance's headquarters in Brussels. Netanyahu told him Israel accepts the offer, and invited the NATO chief to visit Jerusalem."

This particular liaison office not ad hoc but permanent. Israel FOR DECADES AN OBSERVER AND PARTICIPANT AT YEARLY NATO CONFERENCES THE SUBJECT OF WHICH WAS THE SOVIET THREAT. Israel as a major [?] contributor their experience and expertise thought to be essential to a full and complete understanding of Soviet military equipment, doctrine, tactics.

Presumably this office in keeping with the ever widening participation of NATO nations to include France and Belgium [not even to mention American forces] in the war against the Islamic State!


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