Sunday, May 8, 2016

IS Libya.

This is coolbert:

NONE of this is any good!

As reported in the latest edition of the DEBKAfile newsletter that Multi-national-force Libya in trouble. Combat action with the Libyan affiliate of the Islamic State NOT GOING WELL!

1. "DEBKAfile exclusive on Libya ambush makes headlines in UK"

1 May.

"DEBKAfile's exclusive report on the battle that Italian and British special forces fought with ISIS in Libya made headlines in British newspapers on Sunday . . . Among the newspapers was the Mirror whose report included DEBKAfile's analysis and conclusions on the results of the incident.  The planned invasion of Libya by US and European forces was delayed due to the battle in which there were many Italian and British casualties."

2. "After clash with ISIS, British FM says troop deployment to Libya not needed"

1 May.

"British Foreign Minister Phillip Hammond had said since the beginning of April that he did not rule out sending British troops to Libya due to the deterioration of the security situation in that country, but he suddenly changed his mind on April 29 . . . The minister changed his mind after the large-scale battle, reported exclusively by DEBKAfile, that Italian and British special forces fought with ISIS on April 27."

"The battle ended with an ISIS victory"

See previous blog entries regarding the MNF and Libya:


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