Sunday, April 24, 2016


This is coolbert:

High and sturdy walls make for good neighbors! Between Israel and Lebanon too.

From the latest edition of the DEBKAfile newsletter.

"IDF building concrete barrier on northern border"

20 April.

"The IDF has started to erect a 10-meter-high [33 feet] concrete barrier along its northern border, in a manner similar to the fence that is quickly being built in the area of Mishgav Am in the Upper Galilee."

"The thought here is to prevent roaming bands of Hezbollah fighters from crossing into Israel proper. I might imagine this wall intended to thwart squad and platoon size elements of Hezbollah combatants on suicide missions."

Barriers of this sort not intended to STOP in totality an aggressor but merely make it MORE difficult to cross. Allow responding forces to deploy and do so in a manner with the threat as it exists.

Manpower effective.


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