Sunday, April 10, 2016

Iskander-M Israel.

This is coolbert;

The deployment of the Russian Iskander-M to Syria seen by the Israeli as a threat?

As reported and seen in the latest edition of the DEBKAfile newsletter.

"Russian Dep. C-of-S due in Israel to discuss Iskander's arrival in Syria"

2 April.

"Russian Deputy Chief of Staff Col-Gen. Nikolai Bogdanovski heads a military delegation due in Israel Monday to discuss with his counterpart IDF Deputy C-of-S Maj. General. Yair Golan adjustments n the coordination arrangements between the two armies and air forces, in view of Moscow's deployment of two advanced missiles systems in Syria."

Russian and Israeli Deputy Chief of Staff conferring. I guess the Israeli concern is that the Iskander-M NOT become operationally controlled by any of the proxy forces as involved in the Syrian Civil War. To include Hezbollah and the Iranian contingents. ALSO ISLANDER-M HOPEFULLY NOT INTRODUCING NUCLEAR WARHEADS INTO THE AREA DURING A TIME OF CIVIL WAR.

Those two advanced missile systems the Iskander-M AND the S-400 SAM.


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