Thursday, March 10, 2016


This is coolbert:

From that same Chicago Sun Times article further on Abu Omar the Chechen. That senior Islamic State commander I often refer to as Red Beard.

"Detainee says ISIL planned gas attack"

"The Pentagon announced Tuesday that an air strike Friday near Shadadi, Syria, targeted and probably killed a senior Islamic State military leader, Tarkhan Batarashvili, known as 'Omar the Chechen.'"

This report is specious and need clarification? Only recently was it reported that Abu Omar was in Libya organizing jihadists loyal to and having pledged allegiance to the Islamic State.

Unquestionably Abu Omar is a charismatic leader and his death will be a severe blow to the Islamic State. If indeed the man now does "swim with the fishes".

"The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated." - - M. Twain. And for Abu Omar also?


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