Saturday, February 6, 2016

Sunni & Alawite.

This is coolbert:

The Islamic State continues with offensive action in Syria?

As reported by the latest edition of the DEBKAfile newsletter:

"More than 45 killed in ISIS suicide attack at Shiite shrine in Damascus"

31 January.

"ISIS brought the Sunni extremist war on Shiites to a new peak Sunday with a multiple suicide attack in the compound of the Shiite shrine, the Sayyida Zeinab tomb in southern Damascus. At least 45 people were killed and 120 injured by two suicide bombers and a third who drove a bomb car at the guarded gate."

1. The incorporation of the suicide bomber or multiples of suicide bombers into all military operations a trademark of the Islamic State.

2. ISIL striking at holy places of the Shia in a deliberate, perverse and malicious manner. The Alawites of the despot Assad aligned with Shia. Shia to the Sunnie worse than the kuffar?


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