Saturday, January 30, 2016

Libya MNF.

This is coolbert:

Apparently that MNF Libya now active and on the move. Thanks to the latest edition of the DEBKAfile newsletter.

"US-Russian marines set up bridgehead in E. Libya for campaign against ISIS"

23 January.

"The US-Russian war offensive building up in Libya to eradicate spreading ISIS influence, the first such collaboration in many decades, is but an extension of their expanding military partnership in Syria. It has been extended to include the EU. Last weekend, the first US, Russian, French and Italian Special Forces quietly landed at a point south of Tobruk near the Libyan-Egyptian frontier after 1,000 British SAS troops had prepared the ground."

"The landing area is located some 144 kilometers from Darnah, the main bastion of extremist Libyan Islamic groups linked to Al Qaeda or ISIS, of which the ultra-violent Ansar al Sharia is the most powerful."

Coalition warfare always difficult. And who exactly is the dominant player in the MNF and do you have a single dedicated and competent commander?


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