Monday, November 23, 2015


This is coolbert:

"Winners don't quit and quitters don't win!"

During those days of Napoleonic black powder warfare, the man-a-horse might during a single battle have horses shot-out repeatedly from underneath him all in a single day, that being of little or no consequence. That troop even the most senior battlefield commander NOT being hors-de-combat but rather find a remount and continuing the fight.

Consider that at Waterloo:

* "Uxbridge [Henry William Paget, the 2nd Earl of Uxbridge] fought with supreme bravery, launching repeated charges against the French. Eight horses were shot from under him."

* "[Marshal Ney] fought at Waterloo, leading from the front and having four horses killed underneath him over the course of the battle"

Men-a-horse [tank commander] during the Second World War [WW2] ALSO not deterred by having a mount [tank] destroyed from underneath them. Find a remount [another tank] and continuing the fight. MOST admirable.

Consider these Englishmen, men-a-horse [tank commanders], brave men of repute and recognized by their peers as being so:

* David Render came out of three tanks in the campaign [Normandy].

* Stanley Christopherson used five in a day in the desert campaign [North Africa].

Consider also that ability allied forces during the Normandy campaign [1944] to keep the men-a-horse [tank commanders] with fresh remounts [new tanks] far in excess of the German counter-part:

"Normandy 44: The Battle Beyond D-Day"

"Allied units, unlike German ones, could be resupplied and kept up to strength. The Sherwood Rangers were part of a brigade of three regiments each with 50 tanks. It received 1,073 new tanks [during a 77 day period!!] during the campaign in order to keep 150 in the field."

“Uxbridge: 'By God, sir, I've lost my leg!'  - - Wellington: 'By God, sir, so you have!'”


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