Saturday, November 14, 2015


This is coolbert:

Extracts with comment from the latest issue of the DEBKAfile weekly newsletter.

1. "Over 43 killed, 180 injured in bombings within Hizballah's Beirut stronghold"

12 November.

"At least 43 people were killed and more than 180 were injured from two suicide bombings within seven minutes in front of the Hizballah intelligence building in the Shiite neighborhood of Dahya in southern Beirut on Thursday evening. ISIS claimed responsibility for the attacks."

The chickens are coming home to roost and with a vengeance. That state-within-a-state [Hezbollah] whose international reputation was firmly established by the employment of the suicide bomber now itself is the target of the suicide bomber. ISIL their implacable ruthlessness beyond question.

2. "ISIS, with 80,000 fighters, holds 50% of Syria and 40% of Iraq: report"  

12 November.

"According to a Russian survey, 30,000 Islamic State terrorists hold 40 percent of Iraqi land, while the rest control 50 percent of Syria. The 30,000 foreigners who have joined the terrorist organization include 7,000 citizens of former Soviet states as well as citizens from Western European countries, North America and Australia, the report said."

One of the characteristics of Islamic State combatant units is the incorporation of foreign nationals. Quite often volunteers young people of idealistic mien.


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