Monday, September 28, 2015

Unprecedented & Dangerous.

This is coolbert:

Yet more from the latest edition of the DEBKAfile newsletter, that Russian dimension to the Syrian Civil War continues to escalate:

1. "Russia ramps up military buildup to 28 combat aircraft"

21 September.

"Russia's continuous military buildup in Syria reached a total of 28 combat aircraft plus 16 helicopters on the ground and drones, US national security sources reported. The Russians masked the arrival of the military aircraft by flying them in behind the giant Antonov-124 transport aircraft."

2. "Putin's slippery evasions for Netanyahu's concerns about Iran"

21 September.

"Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and President Vladimir Putin talked mostly at cross-purposes when they met in the presidential residence outside Moscow Monday, Sept. 21."

"Netanyahu presented his host with intelligence evidence to demonstrate that Iran - under the cover of the Syrian army - is trying to 'build a second terrorist front against us from the Golan Heights.' He indicated that Israel would resort to military action to counter this front and asked to see Putin in order to avert any collision between Israeli and Russian forces on Syrian soil . . .  Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was attended by twelve military officers including IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Gady Eisenkot, Military Intelligence Chief Maj. Gen. Hertzi Halevy"

3. "Netanyahu summit with Putin under cloud of Russian S-300 anti-air missiles for Syria" 

21 September.

"On Saturday, Sept. 19, just two days before the Netanyahu-Putin summit, Russian troops at the Russian base outside the coastal Syrian city of Latakia were seen preparing to deploy advanced S-300 anti-aircraft missiles at the Russian base near Latakia. Against which air power are they being deployed? The Islamic State has no air force and no other air force threatens the Russian forces. Furthermore, while first reports said several hundred Russian marines were being sent to Syria, an intake of 2,000 is on the way. The arrival of four advanced multi-role Sukhoi 30SM (Flanker) tactical jets in Latakia on Sept. 18 has also raised eyebrows."

4. "An Israeli-Russian team will coordinate aerial and sea operations"

24 September.

"An Israeli military officer reported Thursday that an Israeli-Russian coordination team set up to prevent the countries accidentally trading fire in Syria will be headed by their deputy armed forces chiefs and hold its first meeting by Oct. 5. Speaking on condition of anonymity, the officer said the talks would focus on aerial operations in Syria and 'electromagnetic coordination' - referring to agreement not to scramble each other's radio or radar-tracking systems and identifying each other's forces in the heat of battle."

"Israel and Russia will also coordinate sea operations off Syria's Mediterranean coast, where Moscow has a major naval base."

5. "Russian marines join Hizballah in first Syrian combat engagement - an ominous slap for the US, Israel"

24 September.

"The launching Thursday, Sept. 24, of joint offensive operations by Russian marines and Hizballah special forces on the ISIS-held Kweiris air base - - runs counter to Russian President Vladimir Putin's assurances to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu just three days earlier that Russian marines in Syria would not fight with Hizballah. This new development places the Syrian war on an unprecedented and dangerous path for the United States and Israel."



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