Thursday, September 17, 2015

Tarkhan Batirashvili.

This is coolbert:

More on Red Beard and the Chechen boys.

Those most dedicated combatants of ISIL. Making their mark on the battlefield where ever you find them.

That headline too from McClatchy in a way misleading.

"U.S. training helped mold top Islamic State military commander"

* "Tarkhan Batirashvili was a natural military star when he joined Georgia’s military"

* "Fought the Russians during 2008 war, but left Georgia for Turkey in 2012"

* "In Syria, he’s known as Abu Omar al Shishani, commander in several major victories"

Abu Omar having attributes of what might be termed the "white messiah". That charismatic and talented military man, the foreigner and outsider quite often an American or an European, able to unite, organize, train, plan, lead into battle the insurgent factions of a rebellious people not his own.

Abu Omar also NOT directly trained by the American military. That should be clear. WAS the graduate of a Georgian military special operations training course that syllabus of which was suggested by the U.S. military. BUT Abu Omar NOT an American product by any means. NOR would his activities in any shape, manner or form be condoned.

See previous blog entries regarding Abu Omar and the Chechen boys:


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