Sunday, July 26, 2015

PGM Artillery.

This is coolbert:

From that prior blog entry:

"It [2S35] uses high-explosive extra-long-range precision-guided munitions with a maximum range of seventy kilometers [forty-four miles] and extreme high level of accuracy."

 "this gun [2S35] was to be still improved and adapted to the role of coastal defense artillery. For the purpose of coastal defense, artillery is known to be much more economical than ground-based anti-ship missiles."

Here with a listing of those precision-guided artillery rounds currently in use. #'s 2 and 4 intended for naval gunfire but listed as with artillery for the purpose of this blog entry. The American Copperhead laser guided round having previously been in the inventory but to the best of my knowledge now removed.

1. M982 Excalibur.

"The M982 Excalibur (previously XM982) is a 155mm extended range guided artillery shell developed by Raytheon Missile Systems and BAE Systems AB. It is a GPS-guided munition capable of being used in close support situations within 150 metres (490 ft) of friendly troops."

American Excalibur.

2. Long Range Land Attack Projectile.

"The Long Range Land Attack Projectile (LRLAP) is a developmental program to produce a precision guided 155 mm naval artillery shell for the U.S. Navy."

Long Range Land Attack Projectile 

3. Krasnopol.

"The 30F39 Krasnopol is a Russian 152/155 mm cannon-launched, fin-stabilized, base bleed-assisted, semi-automatic laser-guided, explosive projectile. It automatically 'homes' on a point illuminated by a laser designator, typically operated by a ground-based artillery observer."

The Krasnopol total package. The ammunition (1), the firing unit (2), the guided projectile (3) in flight, the target (4) and the laser emitter (5) and designator.

4. Vulcano.

"'VULCANO' is a family of  unguided (BER) and guided (GLR) ammunition  for the 76mm, 127mm naval guns and 155mm land artillery systems."

Vulcano. "The Italians have very good brains, the brains of great inventors" - - Suvorov.

Item # 1, 2, and 4 all guided to the target by GPS.

If and when GPS denied, then what?


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