Sunday, June 21, 2015

Jaysh Hermon.

This is coolbert:

Yet one more faction in the Syrian Civil War that not been heard of before.

This is Jaysh Hermon! Also from DEBKAfile:

17 June.

"Syrian rebel coalition launches offensive near Golan to clear path to south Damascus. Israel acts to protect Druze"

"Jaysh Hermon (the Army of Hermon) Wednesday, June 17, launched a broad offensive on Syrian army forces in the Quneitra and Hermon sectors bordering on Israel. Its objective is to capture the Syrian army's 68th Brigade headquarters Khan al-Shih which commands the main Quneitra-Damascus highway, DEBKAfile reports. This would clear their path to the southern suburbs of Damascus and enable them to encircle the government troops defending the capital."

Combat occurring very close to the border between Israel and Syria. I am sure [?] the Israeli military commanders are nervously biting their nails. Anticipating that participants in the Syrian civil war might encroach or try to encroach on Israeli occupied territory.

Jaysh Hermon seems also to be associated with the Free Syrian Army [FSA]. Those in opposition to the despot Assad, FSA looked upon with favor in Washington. Like I said, you have to have a scorecard to tell the participants and that list of factions changes from day to day!

And as for the Druze people we will have more later.


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