Saturday, May 2, 2015

Border Crossing.

This is coolbert:

From a previous blog entry:

"the incorporation of the suicide bomber an integral aspect of all ISIL operations."

And is as reported from the DEBKAfile Weekly:

"ISIS attacks kill 40 Iraqi soldiers, 4 Jordanian guardsmen"

25 April.

"Three ISIS suicide bombers Saturday rammed three bomb cars into the only border crossing between Iraq and Jordan, killing at least 40 Iraqi soldiers and 4 Jordanian border guards. The Islamic State named Belgian, French and Senegalese bombers who drove in from the western Iraqi province of Anbar."

"Belgian, French and Senegalese". The multi-national army of ISIL draws participants from all corners of the globe. ALSO "being born in a barn does not necessarily make one a horse". Persons carrying a passport from Belgium, France or Senegal but not always FROM and OF that place.


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