Tuesday, December 16, 2014


This is coolbert:

More from DEBKAfile as of 10 December.

"New ISIS forward command posted to Sinai"

"A group of at least ten ISIS operations and intelligence officers, led by a senior commander, has arrived in Sinai and taken charge of the local Ansar Beit al-Maqdas jihadis, thereby opening up a dangerous new front against Egypt and Israel, in proximity to the Suez Canal, the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, DEBKAfile reports. Since Ansar pledged allegiance to IS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdad considers Sinai a province of his Islamic caliphate."

The Ansar having pledged true faith and allegiance to the Caliph. NOW the caliph through his minions assumes command.

That threat to the Suez Canal real and not be ignored? That historic Al Shams to include the modern nation of Israel it should be noted.


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