Thursday, August 28, 2014


This is coolbert:

Those Syrian military personnel defending the Tabqa air base, their position overrun and survivors either killed while trying to escape and many others captured, the fate grim for all!!

"ISIL executes dozens of soldiers in Syria army"

"Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) fighters have executed dozens of members of the Syrian army they captured after seizing an air base in the northeast of the country, a group monitoring the violence said on Thursday."

"ISIL, a radical offshoot of al-Qaeda, stormed Tabqa air base on Sunday after days of clashes with the army and said it had captured and killed soldiers and officers in one of the fiercest confrontations yet"

. . . .

"A video posted online by ISIL supporters on Thursday appeared to show members of the group making scores of Syrian army captives walk and run through the desert in their underwear."

Humiliation, degradation, execution. Those Syrians presumably Alawites and nominally Shia, abhorrent to ISIL and subjected to elimination with decisive finality.


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