Monday, July 14, 2014

Worst Day?

This is coolbert:

Here with two perspectives on the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand [and his wife Sophie]. That event of 28 June 1914 one hundred years ago setting off that chain-reaction of events that resulted in World War One. The fighting of the war of itself a disaster as acknowledged by all. Ten million dead soldiers. What transpired in the aftermath of the war also acknowledged as even far worse than the war itself.

1. "The Worst Day in History"

By Daniel Pipes.

"A hundred years ago today, June 28, 1914, was arguably the worst day in human history. Not that anything so awful happened during those 24 hours, but the assassination in Sarajevo of the heir to the Hapsburg throne by a 19-year-old Bosnian Serb nationalist, Gavrilo Princip, initiated a series of events that led to not just the horrors of World War I but arguably also those of World War II as well as the rise to power of the fascist and communist movements."

"In brief, that vicious era that historians have dubbed the short twentieth century, 1914-89, with its unprecedented numbers of deaths, of extremist movements, and of general human misery began with the shots that festive summer day. (June 28, 2014)"

2. "The Foul Tornado: On the centenary of World War I"

By Peter Hitchens.

"To say that that the First World War was the greatest cataclysm in human history since the fall of the Roman Empire is to put it mildly. The war destroyed so many good things and killed so many good people that civilization has not recovered and probably never will. Long after it officially ended, it continued to cause millions of deaths and tragedies, most obviously during its encore performance of 1939-45. But it did not stop even then. Many of its worst consequences came during official periods of peace and are unknown or forgotten, or remain unconnected with it in the public mind."

"The loss cannot be measured in cash [or lives for that matter] because it was paid in the more elusive coin of faith, morals, trust, hope, and civility."

Indeed, European [to include America] civilization in the aftermath of the war having lost a confidence that has never been regained. Unanticipated consequences without amelioration!


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