Saturday, July 26, 2014

Von Mellenthin.

This is coolbert:

From the excellent Internet web site some insight into the mentality of Adolph Hitler as extracted from "Panzer Battles" by von Mellenthin. Copied in entirety.

"Dazzled by Earlier Successes"

"To glorify Hitler as an infallible genius, whose gigantic designs were frustrated by treachery, or to condemn him as the greatest criminal of all time, would be equally irresponsible and superficial, von Mellenthin (Panzer Battles) says:

"It is an undeniable fact that Hitler was an incredibly clever man, with a memory far beyond the average. He had terrific will power and was utterly ruthless; he was an orator of outstanding quality, able to exercise an hypnotic influence on those in his immediate surroundings. In politics and diplomacy he had an extraordinary flair for sensing the weakness of his adversaries, and for exploiting their failings to the full. He used to be a healthy man, a vegetarian who neither smoked nor drank, but he undermined his constitution by taking sleeping powders and pep pills, chiefly during the later years of the war. Although his health deteriorated, his mind remained amazingly alert and active until the very end."

[all emphasis mine!]

Hitler does not drink. Hitler does not smoke. Hitler does not wench. What do you do Hitler?

Hitler not a man of high educational attainment. NOR seen as possessing an extraordinary intellect. A man who seemed to stumble his way through life without significant achievement even subsequent to the end of the First World War!

NOT also a man of extraordinary physical stature or being that photogenic personality as seen necessary to political success.

AND able to dominate personalities about him, those acolytes and cronies PERSONS THEMSELVES OF A STRONG WILL AND NATURE!

Drugged and sedated during that latter part of the Second World War as is seen in cinematic portrayals undeniably if this was the case contributing to poor decision making.

What to make of all this?


1 comment:

  1. re: "What to make of all this?"

    Read this book and get back to this thread:

    Dan Kurt
