Monday, May 26, 2014

Philby & Sikorski.

This is coolbert:

The fatal airplane crash with the death of General Sikorski ruled by inquiry as an accident due to some sort of mechanical error that exact cause never fully determined with 100 % certainty.

And doubts lingering even to the present time [2003], WAS SABOTAGE INVOLVED AND IF SO, WHO WAS RESPONSIBLE!

From an entry to a previous blog post:

"As has been noted by various other authorities, Kim Philby in his capacity during the Second World War as a serving counter-intelligence officer of the British Secret Intelligence Service [MI6] had a responsibility for what was termed the Iberian section. To include that English territory of GIBRALTAR."

Stalin and his secret police conspiring to kill Sikorski? If that was the case, you would never find a more perfect example of having the right man in the right place to "facilitate" the dirty deed!

Joseph Stalin noted for his visceral and extreme hatred of all things Polish. Sikorski was asking too many questions of too delicate a nature. Kill Sikorski and in addition make it appear the English were to blame!!

Furthermore, from the comment of an acknowledged aviation authority:

"One must not overload a plane, but it is possible to do so, resulting in a failed takeoff and subsequent crash.  Cargo must always be secured for two main reasons: safety of people and structure in the plane (such as cargo bouncing through the fuselage walls made of very thin aluminum) and for the weight and balance of the plane (if a plane is out of balance, it will not be able to maintain level flight and/or will go out of control during maneuvering).  Weight and balance computations have to be done by the crew before every flight, whether for cargo planes, fighter planes, passenger planes or bombers.  Even little Cessna single engine recreational planes have to have weight and balance figured out properly before takeoff or bad things happen."

NOT ONLY a plane must not be overloaded [as is intuitive] but the cargo must be secured and the load balanced in a manner conducive for balance and airworthiness.

Instability and fatal crash a result of too much cargo and/or cargo not properly secured and balanced!!

As was noted by Anthony Quayle, just from appearances that cargo as loaded on the airplane in which Sikorski was flying "not proper":

"Quayle . . . saw the aircraft's interior as the passengers climbed in [and in conversation with David Irving, 1967] . . . that in all the scores of Liberators he had to see off at North Front, he had never seen one so heavily and untidily laden as this one before."

Overloaded, unsecured, not balanced.


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