Monday, March 24, 2014

Soldaten IV.

This is coolbert:

Continuing with extracts and comment from the book: "Life of a Nazi Soldier":

France, 1940.

Dolce vita! The sweet life!

"Army of Occupation: Training and Waiting"

The German during that initial conquest and occupation of France ordered to behave proper and doing so!

"Board and Room"

"The French people in Caude' were living quite well, considerably better than the German population in big cities. We lived better in Caude' than I had at home on convalescent leave. In Germany, everything was rationed - - food, clothing, gasoline, etc. But in Caude', we could go to restaurants and get anything we wanted without ration cards. We could buy any food we wanted from local farmers."

"Contact with Civilians"

"The German soldiers were under orders to be polite, and so they were . . . The Germans kept themselves on a short leash in Brittany. Two months earlier in Poland they had behaved quite differently. In Port-Blanc [France] they did everything they could to curry favor. They avoided going into homes, so when they had to, did it deferentially. They have candy to the children. In shops or farms they paid a bit more than the going rate for whatever they bought. This was easy for them because the authorities had decreed the mark to be worth twenty franc, so that 'Fritz' was rich and could send his family in Germany things now inaccessible to the French. The message the Germans wanted to get across was on poster they'd put up all over town showing a Nazi soldier carrying a toddler. The caption read: 'Put your trust in German soldiers.'" - - Claire Chevrillon

During those four years of occupation about four hundred French women subjected to rape by German soldiers. In those initial months following the Allied invasion of Normandy [1944] about FOUR THOUSAND FRENCH WOMEN RAPED BY AMERICAN AND BRITISH SOLDIERS!

That contrast in behavior undeniable and most shameful!


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