Monday, March 10, 2014

Horse Trading?

This is coolbert:

Here from DEBKAfile some of the alleged negotiating points as insisted on by Putin. That Ukraine crisis and a solution to same as part of a much larger "package deal"

"You want our help with Iran, well, we want something too."

"You want our help with Syria, well, we want something too."

"You want a solution to the crisis in the Ukraine, well, we want something too."

Horse trading on the global scale, diplomatic negotiating points and terms!

"Putin wants US guarantees for halting military action"

"DEBKAfile Special Report"

"03 March. As Washington and the Europeans continued to decry Russian military aggression, the US and Russians began quiet though intense negotiations - through Berlin - on a deal for settling the Ukraine dispute, DEBKAfile reports. Moscow will keep its military forces in Crimea, but will discuss terms for restraining the Russian army from advancing into the Russian-speaking eastern Ukraine: Kiev must stay out of NATO, the US must guarantee not to deploy advanced radar, missile shields of ballistic missiles in the country, and local armed bodies will protect Russian-speaking areas."

All emphasis mine. Where negotiating points, terms, conditions did not previously exist, well, they do now.

Take it or leave it Mr. Obama. And you in the European Union too.


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