Sunday, December 29, 2013


This is coolbert:

From the StrategyPage article, most pertinent extracts with comments:

"Leadership: Things You Need To Know To Survive Combat"

I strongly suggest:

* If you are serving officer, incorporate these ideas into all training.

* If you are a serving non-commissioned officer, make a copy of this article and pass around to all your subordinates.

* If you a serving enlisted man, be keenly aware of and practice all these tips and suggestions.

From the current era of the Iraq and Afghan counter-insurgencies [COIN] a number of hints and tips that go a long way to allow for survival on the battlefield. NOT ONLY for the combat arms soldier, but for any soldier in particular, regardless of branch. "Lessons Learned" that indeed can prove to be vital. Here with the list in no specific order or precedence.

* "in combat the safest form of driving is fast and, to peacetime sensibilities, reckless"

* "sending troops to the weapons range several times a week"

[for combat arms this is easy, for those other units, not so easy, ammo and time at a premium.]

* "Emergency Action Drills. These are the things you do when there is an emergency"

[each commander for whatever branch needs to decide what action drills are germane to his command, formulate a list, and practice measures to be taken.]

* "[while driving] like a madman, you have to practice hard so you can change tires like one as well"

* "you must learn how Mister Grenade can be your friend"

[different types of grenades, how many to carry and when to use]

* "Troops must also learn how to carefully plan each trip on the roads"

* "Especially when outside your base, always have your weapon (usually an assault rifle or pistol, or both) with you at all times."

[weapon loaded and on safe when off base, carrying a loaded magazine with an unloaded weapon while on base.]

* "Always wear you[r] Kevlar helmet, and your armored vest when outside the base."

* "Practice basic combat operations, like changing magazines."

[be able to use the M-16 firing from behind a barrier either right or left handed, loading and unloading from either position.
* "Practice shooting at long range (800 meters.)"

[the USA and USMC has dedicated marksmen embedded in each COMBAT unit properly prepared to engage an enemy at long range. Distances such as found during battle in Afghan might not be the case in future war.]

* "Make sure your first aid gear, and skills, are always up to snuff"

[know what expedient methods are most likely to save a life of a wounded troop, quick and dirty but effective measures. Practice made difficult:"battlefield first aid. It’s difficult to provide many troops with realistic training"]

 * "Always be ready to return fire when on the road."

[and the attack can come from either the right or the left or both simultaneously.]

* "Don’t throw candy to the kids while you are on the road."

* "If you are in a firefight and you wound one of the enemy, don’t let him crawl or limp away to safety. Kill him."

* "If you are in a firefight, take cover behind concrete or steel."

[the engine block or the tires of a vehicle are very resistant to small arms fire. Hide behind them and be prepared to use your weapon from either the right or left side without exposing your body.]

And in addition!

Lieutenant Marm, having been awarded the Medal of Honor [MoH] for his heroics at the Ia Drang Valley in a much more prior war [Vietnam], also suggesting that each and every NCO in the U.S. Army regardless of branch needed to be able to perform three functions and do them all well. To include:

* Organize a defensive perimeter.

* Operate a radio in two different nets.

* Employ indirect supporting fires.

With regard to the last item, in the modern context, direct all supporting fires period is more correct, those fires to include an AC-130 or Huey Cobra gunship.

Devoted readers to the blog can suggest more war fighting measures that work n the modern battlefield. Those that have experienced combat in Iraq or Afghan for instance? Let me hear from you.


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