Monday, November 18, 2013


This is coolbert:

Back to the subject of the U.S. Marine IOC course. As was the topic of a previous blog entry.

"PT Standards in Question for Women in Combat"

"The Marine Corps may have to change its physical standards in order to put females in positions to one day lead infantry platoons in combat."

That physical demands of the IOC course precluding up-unto-this-point any woman from qualifying as a combat arms infantry platoon leader.

"IOC is a demanding 13-week school that historically averages a 25-percent attrition rate. The first day puts students through a grueling Combat Endurance Test that consists of physically and academically challenging tasks that last all day, said Marine Corps spokeswoman Capt. Maureen Krebs. Marines wear combat gear, perform various physical tasks and answer tactical questions while negotiating a land-navigation course"

Change in the sense of make more demanding and not lessen one iota.

Women Marines brought to a higher degree of physical fitness and proficiency.

That Infantry Officer Course [IOC] even for the men most grueling. That position of infantry platoon leader, a second lieutenant, described by Eisenhower AS THE MOST DIFFICULT JOB IN THE WORLD!

Those requirements of IOC so much that at least a quarter OF THE MEN fail the program. These men already commissioned officers, and not merely cadets or recruits. Requirements as understood across the board and not solely physical aptitude.

Good luck Marines.


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