Sunday, October 27, 2013


This is coolbert:

As reported by the BBC, a European re-enactment of the Battle of the Nations from two hundred years ago.  Persons in "period military costume"

"Thousands re-enact Napoleonic Battle of the Nations"

"Some 6,000 history buffs in period military costume are re-enacting one of Germany's bloodiest battles, the Battle of the Nations. An estimated 600,000 soldiers took part in the series of battles from 16-19 October 1813 and almost 100,000 of them lost their lives."

These persons appear as a rabble. Need to get into formation, close ranks, dress on the man ahead of you, get in cadence and MARCH. And do it quick too. The Emperor is watching. For shame!

From that BBC article:

* "Battle of the Nations"

* "Took place 16-19 October 1813; also called the Battle of Leipzig"

* "185,000 mainly French troops under Napoleon"

* "320,000 Austrian, Prussian, Russian and Swedish forces"

* "The French lost 38,000 men killed and wounded"

* "allied losses totaled 55,000 men"

* "Marked the end of the French Empire east of the Rhine"

NOT exactly 100,000 losing their lives. Far fewer than that. That 100,000 total casualties to include killed-in action [KIA], wounded [WIA], missing [MIA]. That missing probably constituting a percentage of deserters or those that fell out on the march as well.

Almost one year after the disaster in Russia, Napoleon again  able to take to the field with a massive army, conscription as practiced in France allowing for the Emperor to reconstitute his forces.

From Leipzig forward the Continental system of the Emperor now gone, French rule east of the Rhine no more.

Coalition forces as fought by the French not always so successful. That ability of Napoleon to take advantage of rivalry and discontent among his many adversaries unquestioned.

From Trevor Dupuy commenting on the Battle of the Nations and the 1813 campaign of Napoleon:


"Early the following year first Prussia, then Austria, deserted Napoleon's cause and joined his enemies. Nevertheless, with a new raised army, he marched back into central Germany and won a number of victories over the much more numerous allied armies of Russia, Prussia, and Sweden. But none of his victories was decisive . . . Finally, outnumbered two to one and facing enemies to whom he had taught his system of war . . . Napoleon was defeated at Leipzig in the three-day  "Battle of the Nations.," . . . Despite heavy losses, Napoleon withdrew in good order from the battlefield and marched back to France to prepare for the inevitable allied invasion."

"Withdrew in good order" most pertinent. Even when outnumbered and beat and his force not seasoned, Napoleon able to conduct the retrograde maneuver in good fashion, the battle lost but not the war.


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