Sunday, May 12, 2013

Lusius Quietus.

This is coolbert:

Came across this quite by accident.

As it was during the Second World War [WW2], Berber soldiers from North Africa active in combat far from home during the Roman era, many thousands of years earlier.

Berbers from the High Atlas region of Africa French colonial troops known as the goum a popular subject of prior blog entries from the Military Thoughts web site.

Goum operating as very light infantry barely encumbered by impedimenta, enlisted Berber troops commanded by French officers, goum noted for their ability at camouflage and concealment AND able to move soundlessly during hours of darkness through mountainous terrain.

Goum also having a reputation for closing and fighting with the knife and most successfully so. Even preferring to do so.

Goum [during the Roman period would not have been referred to as such] also active as soldiers for the various Roman Emperors, very light cavalry moving into battle again lightly encumbered, no impedimenta, eschewing with the exception of the shield any sort of armor as might have been typical of the time.

Goum at the time of the Roman Emperors commanded most famously by one of their own - - Lusius Quietus.

"Originally a Berber prince, Lusius Quietus was the son of a tribal lord from Mauretania Caesariensis (modern-day Algeria). Lusius' father and his warriors had supported the Roman legions in their attempt to subdue Mauretania Tingitana [40 A.D.]"

"His father's service to Rome, on a notoriously difficult frontier, was honoured with the gift of Roman citizenship for him and his family. His son Lusius later joined the Roman army and served as an auxiliary officer in the Roman cavalry."

Goum cavalry in mortal combat during the Roman Dacian Wars. NO saddles, stirrups, body armor, just a shield. Maybe only a short sword or long knife as weapon. Goum preferring at all times the close quarters weaponry! Perhaps even Lusius himself in the lead!

"Quietus was brought back into the army when [ new emperor, Trajan, came to power and served as one of the emperor's auxiliary cavalry commanders during the Dacian wars"

Dacia that are of the world now known as Romania. The furthest extent of the Roman Empire and to this day retaining that name the etymology of which suggest ROME!


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