Saturday, January 26, 2013


This is coolbert:

From the DEBKAfile events in Mali/Algeria as they have transpired and ARE transpiring. Including American involvement.

1. "Al Qaeda offers to swap US hostages for terrorists" January 18, 2013.

"The Al Qaeda group which seized hostages from 10 nations at the remote Algerian gas field in In Aminas Wednesday, Jan. 16, has addressed its first demand to the United States: The release of two American hostages for two high-profile Islamist terrorists jailed in the US: Egyptian Omar Abdel-Rahman, the Blind Sheikh convicted of masterminding the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and plotting the murder of Rabbi Kahane, and Pakistani-American neuroscientist Aafia Siddiqui convicted for trying to kill US troops and FBI agents in Afghanistan in 2009"

Those terrorists taking hostages at the Algerian sprawling natural gas facility making demands in return for the safe release of Americans held prisoner. Demands NEVER to be fulfilled. Release those terrorists as serving life sentences in American prisons.

2. "The US will run French airlift to Mali two more weeks
" January 23, 2013.

"The Pentagon is keeping eight to 10 people at the Mali capital’s airport after the US Air Force flew five C-17 flights into Bamako and delivered more than 80 French troops and 124 tons of equipment. The US airlift will continue two more weeks."

Long-range transport already being used, the French even more so greatly desirous to have American mid-air refueling aircraft on the scene for the long-term. That will be so? That remains to be seen.

That dynamic situation in Mali yes indeed just that, dynamic.


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