Thursday, November 15, 2012


This is coolbert:

As extracted from the article "Searching for Zerzura" by Robert Berg as found in the June 2002 issue of Saudi Aramco World we are able to reasonably infer that the legendary and fabled city of Zerzura may indeed not be so fabled after all?

"The vast barrenness of the Libyan Desert stretches from the Nile westward across Egypt and northern Sudan to Tripolitania in Libya. For the ancient Egyptians it was the realm of the afterlife, overseen by Osiris, a place of fear and dread."

And also as written by Mr. Berg as of 2002:

"According to the historian Herodotus, writing in the fifth century BC, a huge sandstorm once swallowed up an entire army of invading Persians there without a trace."

From this much earlier blog entry:

"Vanished Persian army found in the Egyptian desert"

"Archaeologists have found the remains of a great Persian army believed to have disappeared in the Egyptian desert 2,500 years ago."

"According to Greek historian Herodotus, King Cambyses II sent 50,000 warriors to attack the Oasis of Siwa but they disappeared after reaching El-Khargfa oasis."

That army of the Persian king lost from antiquity, buried by the sand in the western desert, after many centuries FOUND. Miraculously almost so the story as told by Herodotus not fable or fiction or myth or legend but verified FACT!

If the Persian army has been found, maybe someday too will be Zerzura found?

That immensity of the western desert, the Libyan desert causing great fear in the ancient Egyptian and with good reason. Sand storms and the ever shifting sand dunes of enormous size in some cases able to cover and hiding even armies of 50,000 men and perhaps that fabled city of Zerzura.

The explorations, the methods, means and techniques for motorized transport to operation effectively in the desert pioneered by Ralph Bagnold and demonstrably proven by the military missions of the Long Range Desert Group [LRDG] allowing for cross-country movement in the modern age in an area that proved fatal to that Persian army of long ago now. The British were able to do what the Persians of yore were NOT!


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