Thursday, October 25, 2012


This is coolbert:

American combat aviators during the Vietnam War saving the lives of their fellow airmen, remarkable piloting skills and daring indicative of a flying ability way beyond normal, valor and comportment of the highest possible measure.

1. Maj. Bernard R Fisher saving the life and limb of fellow Skyraider and airman Maj. Dafford W. "Jump" Myers. The Battle of A Shau.

"Uncommon Gallantry"

"He couldn't just leave the downed airman in the middle of the fierce battle for A Shau."

"Myers' aircraft had been hit over the camp and caught fire. Too low to bailout, Myers crash-landed his aircraft on the small airstrip at the Special Forces camp and ran to cover alongside the runway. Knowing that his wingman would be captured or killed before a rescue helicopter could arrive, Fisher landed his A-1E on the heavily damaged runway. As other Skyraiders provided cover, Myers jumped into Fisher's aircraft and they escaped amid heavy small arms fire."

"On Jan. 19, 1967, President Lyndon B. Johnson presented Major Fisher the first Medal of Honor to be awarded to an Air Force officer during the Vietnam War".

2. Thanks to Gathering of Eagles "Bob" Pardo" flying an F-4 Phantom in the skies over North Vietnam coming to the rescue of a fellow aviator out of fuel and engine "flamed out", "Bob" able to "push" with his own aircraft the warplane of his compatriot to safety:

"On 10 March 1967, while flying over North Vietnam, the F-4s of Pardo and his wingman were hit by enemy fire. Out of fuel, the wingman's aircraft flamed out. With his badly damaged aircraft, Pardo decided to "push" the other plane to safety, wedging his wingman's tailhook in front of his windscreen. When Pardo's left engine caught fire, he shut it down and continued to "push" on one engine. Over Laos, all four crewmembers ejected and were safely recovered."

Men before machines. Machines replaceable the men NOT!!

Bernard Fisher awarded the Medal of Honor[MoH] for his heroics, "Bob" Pardo decorated with a Silver Star.

During the Vietnam War there was mild criticism of the manner with which the MoH was given out. Far TOO MANY MoH were being awarded it was suggested. And to this I say poppycock. A Shau was a battle merely one example of the type of desperate combat as often was the case during that war. A Special Forces camp in dire circumstances, attack by overwhelming numbers of the enemy, actions taken by the American and South Vietnamese defenders quite often producing a lot of heroics. Reactions in response to extreme circumstances often resulting in extreme courage and bravery. As was the case with Bernard Fisher.


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