Wednesday, May 16, 2012


This is coolbert:

That word Firefly during the Second Indo-China war having three meanings, depending on the context understood correctly.

Two instances [# 1 and # 2] of the word Firefly easily understandable the third [# 3] not so much so?

1. Firefly a drone aircraft in the developmental process for long-range missions during the Vietnam War.

"The Ryan AQM-91A  was a developmental drone developed during the Vietnam War to perform long-range reconnaissance, especially into China."

"US intelligence thus needed a long-range drone with a high degree of survivability . . . the new design was designated the 'Model 154 / AQM-91A Firefly'".

Successful operational missions ZERO but the concept sound.

2. Firefly missions a flight of three helicopters, operating at night, one of which was equipped with a very powerful searchlight allowing for the illumination of targets in total darkness. Hunters/killers from the air. [thanks to the article by Tompkins from the Top Tigers & Mustangs web site.]

"Firefly missions were conducted at night with no lights except for the one helicopter that had a powerful spot light attached to it.  The helicopter with the light would fly at about 500 ft. Another helicopter or gunship would fly at 1000 and a third at 200 [ft.].  The Helicopter flying at 200 ft. was a gunship equipped with miniguns and rockets.  The aircraft at 1000ft was equipped with a .50 cal machine gun.

Targets illuminated by the spot light [searchlight?] from one chopper the other two obliterating the enemy with combined fire!

3. Firefly a concept. A divisional or brigade combat commander in his own personal helicopter hovering over the battlefield while units under his command actually engaged in combat. The combat commander in the manner of the leader on the black powder battlefield of yore able to see at almost a single glance the posture of his troops, the enemy and understood with some certainty how the battle is proceeding. Also able to issue commands at his discretion, yea or nay the actions of his subordinates and order assistance as he deems necessary. Micro-management without question!

Devoted readers to the blog have some insight into # 3. This was called Firefly that hovering over the battlefield and observing the combat action as done by the senior commander?


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