Thursday, April 26, 2012


This is coolbert:

 "anyone who provokes or hurts the DPRK's dignity would be undoubtedly defeated."

From the headline of Chinese English website xinhuanet:

"DPRK marks army's 80th founding anniversary"

The main points:            

• "The DPRK held a national meeting to mark the 80th anniversary of the founding of the KPA."
• "The founding of the KPA ushered in a new history of building the revolutionary armed forces."
• "Kim Jong Un would strengthen the might of the KPA and lead the Korean revolution to a new victory."

 "PYONGYANG -- The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) held a national meeting on Wednesday to mark the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Korean People's Army (KPA)."

 "the founding of the KPA by commander Kim Il Sung 80 years ago ushered in a new history of building the revolutionary armed forces."

NOW, courtesy of Bert we have MORE key points:

* Kim Il-Sung was a Red Army [Soviet]  officer who fought at Stalingrad during World War Two!

* Those North Korean People's Army [NKPA] contingents that invaded South Korea in June 1950 were veterans of the Chinese Civil War and again veterans of the Red Army [Soviet] who fought the German at Stalingrad.

[such info as gleaned from the interrogations of NKPA POW as captured by American forces during the Korean War!!]

NOW you know the rest of the story! Nuff' said?


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