Friday, February 10, 2012


This is coolbert:

This is useful?

A listing, almost an index, from different historical periods, the BEST warhorse as was recognized at the time!

A listing of course not totally inclusive but merely illustrative of what has been:

1. The Nisean war horse! From the time of the Romans and the Caesars! As was ridden into battle by the Persian heavy armored cavalry, man and beast both covered by scale armor. An ancient breed of horse considered to be so valuable that wars were fought to obtain breeding stock!

"The Nisean horse, or Nisaean horse, is an extinct horse breed, . . . They were highly sought after in the ancient world . . . He was the most valuable horse in the ancient world, and he was regarded as the most beautiful horse alive"

2. The Marwari horse. An indigenous horse from the Indian sub-continent, making an appearance as a breed around the time of Genghis Khan! A war horse whose bloodlines are currently being resurrected!

"The Rathores, traditional rulers of the Marwar region of western India, were the first to breed the Marwari. Beginning in the 12th century, they espoused strict breeding that promoted purity and hardiness. Used throughout history as a cavalry horse by the people of the Marwar region, the Marwari was noted for its loyalty and bravery in battle."

"The Marwari or Malani is a rare breed of horse from the Marwar (or Jodhpur) region of India . . . The Marwari are descended from native Indian ponies crossed with Arabian horses, possibly with some Mongolian influence."

3. The Waler. From that period of the First World War [WW1], an Australian war horse, referred to as a "type" rather than a breed, hardy and useful as cavalry mounts. Australian soldiers a-horse during the Battle of Megiddo and the aftermath thereof able to advance at a rate greater than that of any other military unit in modern times AND RIDING WALERS!

4. From that time of the Second World War [WW2] the Russian panje horse. Has the appearance of a pony but in actuality is a horse, small in stature but powerful and having an amazing endurance. Able to survive and thrive in the harsh winter conditions of Russia primarily used as a beast of burden, pulling extraordinary loads where other breeds and "types" of horses would fail!

NOT included in my list but worthy of mention is the Mongolian horse as would have been ridden by Genghis Khan? Again has the appearance of a pony but is a true horse [the difference between a pony and a horse is what exactly?]! The Mongol able to strike long distances and ride enormous distances in a single-day en route to battle [100 miles/160 kilometers]! That Mongol horse enabling the horde to invade and conquer Russian during the winter time, when fodder and fresh grass normally not available. Mongols having an ability during winter to move across terrain normally considered impassable [swamps, the Volga river, etc.]?

Other breeds and "types" of war horses obviously could be included in this list of BEST? NOT a listing totally inclusive but merely illustrative of what has been!


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