Monday, January 2, 2012

Radio Zeta.

This is coolbert:

Thanks to DangerRoom here with not necessarily an indication of the escalating drug-narcotic violence in Mexico but surely an indication of the degree of sophistication and resources the drug gangsters now fighting it out with the Mexican military have at their disposal! For some time the violence out of control and only becoming more so. Quasi-military warfare escalating with even more advanced technology and weaponry now in play [since 2006!].

The Zeta drug cartel having for some time a functioning and well-working military style communications system that defies the authorities in a marked manner. Used for early warning and reconnaissance but still an achievement by a drug gang that is demonstrative of a remarkable degree of organizational ability and command control.

"Radio Zeta: How Mexico’s Drug Cartels Stay Networked"

"Since 2006, the cartels have maintained an encrypted DIY [do-it-yourself] radio network that stretches across nearly all 31 Mexican states, even down south into Guatemala. The communications infrastructure . . . consists of 'professional-grade' radio antennas, signal relays and simple handheld radios that cost 'millions of dollars'”

"the bosses only communicate through the Internet. The radio network is for lookouts and lower-level players."

The Zeta will almost unlimited resources [drug money] at their disposal able to purchase top-of-the-line gear and organized into a network of awesome proportions, rivaling and perhaps in some instance exceeding that as can be managed by the Mexican military. THIS IS NOT SPANKY AND OUR GANG!


* These "bosses" and commanders of the Zeta use secure Internet Messenger or steganography to surreptitiously send messages to one another? In the same manner as is reputedly was employed by the 9/11 jihadi hijackers?

* If indeed the Zeta "commanders" use the Internet for communication, it is highly likely that their traffic at some point passes through an American router, meaning that for surveillance purposes, those "bosses" for legal become at that exact instant a U.S. person?

* This DIY network encompasses more or less all of Mexico and into Guatemala and I would surmise too even into the United States? Perhaps so!


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