Friday, January 27, 2012


This is coolbert:

The American military administering medical prophylactics to the troops. As is lawful, medical treatment that a soldier cannot legally refused.

From the Chicago Tribune today:

"Against war's backdrop, Army aims to strengthen minds"

Medical treatment, preventative care prior to combat and post-combat, given to prevent post traumatic stress syndrome. PTSD and prevent same.

This is the Comprehensive Soldier Fitness program [CSF].

"The $125 million comprehensive Soldier Fitness program requires soldiers to undergo the kind of mental predeployment tests and training that they have always have had to undergo physically.

Medical fitness now not limited merely to physical aches and pain but mental as well!!

A program most interestingly so being administered by a troop who we have last heard of from over twenty years ago now during the First Gulf War.

Brigadier General office Rhonda Cornum! A medical doctor, a physician by trade badly wounded and captured by the Iraqi, RAPED! Two broken arms, an injured eye, and then RAPE!

Continuing with her military career most successfully so, a soldier, a medical officer or repute and now accomplishment of which she can be most proud.

"Cornum has been deployed to lead the military's new mental fitness program. it is a designed to prepare soldiers for the psychic trauma of war and its aftermath"

Perhaps no person in the military is better qualified and suited to administer and head the CSF program? General Connum has my utmost respect and admiration. Good going Rhonda!


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