Wednesday, January 4, 2012


This is coolbert:

Thanks here to several sources NOT necessarily alarmist headlines but food for thought.

1. "China wants to set up bases in Pakistan, reveals intelligence report".

"China's desire for a military presence in Pakistan has been discussed by the political and military leadership of that country in the recent months. China's deepening strategic penetration of Pakistan and joint plans to set up... oil pipelines/rail/roads as well as naval and military bases are a matter of concern."

"According to the assessment report, Chinese presence in this area might enable People's Liberation Army (PLA) to counter the Muslims separatists operating from this part of Pakistan for terrorist activities in its Xinjiang province."

NOT necessarily a counter to Muslim separatists [Uighurs] but presumably more so as part of the so-called "String of Pearls" doctrine. South China Sea/Malacca/Kra/Burma/Pakistan and points further west. An Indian Ocean Chinese military presence guaranteeing future trans-shipment of vital resources [predominantly oil] and trading routes in a manner as NOT seen since the 1400's and the various voyages of the Treasure Fleet under the commander of the eunuch Admiral Zheng He.

A presence that catches the attention of and must be worrisome to the Indians? A hegemony over their sphere of influence now threatened?

2. "China’s Noisy Subs Get Busier — And Easier to Track"

Chinese submarines operating more frequently in pelagic [deep-blue] waters found to be very noisy, easy to track, vulnerable to counter-measures, American submarines NOW and for the foreseeable future having the upper hand.

"the Navy’s [American] just discovered that China’s homemade subs are even louder than 20-year-old Russian boats."

"Assuming the Chinese stay with their current sub designs, American submarines should be capable of swiftly defeating Chinese boats in any potential future shooting war"

During the 21st Century the Indian Ocean will be a flash-point [maybe it already is] for conflicts local/regional/global? If an when the world order as it current exists and is constituted breaks down naval power will play a vital if not absolutely essential role in deciding who wins and who loses!


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